Survey Overview
We received 465 completed survey forms which represents over 20% of the population of the Tarrangower Community. This is a very good result for a community survey and is a credit to the community as well as the planning group.
The survey results indicated all five topics are of similar importance to the community, with Environment and Sustainability rating as slightly more important than the others.In the survey, people were asked to rate each activity in terms of its importance to the Tarrangower Community, from 1 being ‘not important at all’ to 7 ‘extremely important’.
Below are the individual activities in each of the topics, in the order in which they were rated – 1. was seen as the most important, 2. as the next most important and so on. The numbers in brackets at the end of each activity is the average score given to the activity using the 1 to 7 scale).
Survey Results in Detail

Environment and Sustainability
- Better weed management in public areas, roadsides and empty blocks (6.15)
- Improve communication with Parks Victoria and other government bodies regarding local land management (5.98)
- Explore all options to minimise household waste and investigate options for local recycling practices (5.8)
- Improve water security: work with catchment and water authorities to minimise water usage and use waste water . (5.74)
- Strengthen community support for local Landcare initiatives. (5.64)
- Greening Maldon CBD to provide shade and cool areas (5.48)
- Engage the community in adoption of a holistic approach to sustainability (5.46)
- Make Maldon a more ‘sustainable’ town and promote it as such in tourist brochures (5.38)
- Restore and develop the Long Gully area (just south of the Maldon township) with cycling/walking trails and signage (5.37)
- Establish a ‘food waste centre’ in Maldon. Initially for cafe and hotel food waste management (5.24)
- Change building regulations to encourage ‘green’ housing (4.89)
- Set a Tarrangower emission reduction target (4.68)
- Install a drinking fountain in Maldon CBD (4.48)
Photo: Forests of Maldon, Supplied by Josephine Emery

Our Heritage, Our Infrastructure
- Protect environmental, landscape and Indigenous heritage throughout Tarrangower (5.91)
- Survey the number and frequency of large trucks travelling through Maldon (5.44)
- Enhance the appearance and historical aspects of the main entry points to Maldon (5.41)
- Improve maintenance of walking tracks (5.31)
- Encourage availability of low cost, rental housing; housing for people across their life stages (5.14)
- Develop signage for visitors – showcasing heritage, way-finding, and scenic walks (5.10)
- Undertake a pedestrian survey and make improvements to footpaths and crossings (4.90)
- Upgrade sporting fields, courts and facilities (4.75)
- Review parking needs in Maldon CBD (4.47)
- Review speed limits in Maldon – particularly in Lowther Street and High Street (4.43)
- Undertake improvements to the playground (4.25)
- Consider development of a dog park (3.76)
Photo: Maldon Main Street Supplied by Lee Mead

Our Community
- Improve access to medical services and provide a choice of GPs (5.93)
- Help community groups work together to support and recruit members/volunteers and coordinate their efforts (5.21)
- Consider the employment and housing needs of young families in Tarrangower to make our population more diverse (5.19)
- Reduce levels of social isolation (5.03)
- Better understand the impact of weekenders – on housing availability, community cohesion and the economy (4.66)
- Sporting clubs to explore opportunities for shared facilities, services and governance (4.64)
- Encourage cycling for transport; develop safe bicycle lanes within Maldon, cycle paths between Maldon and Newstead and bicycle parking (4.54)
- Improve physical access to Maldon swimming pool (4.48)
- Develop off-road recreational cycling opportunities (4.28)
- Investigate community use of the school’s outdoor fitness equipment (3.97)
Photo: Pentaque. Supplied by Nancy Whittaker

Local Economy
- Improve access to medical services and provide a choice of GPs (5.93)
- Help community groups work together to support and recruit members/volunteers and coordinate their efforts (5.21)
- Consider the employment and housing needs of young families in Tarrangower to make our population more diverse (5.19)
- Reduce levels of social isolation (5.03)
- Better understand the impact of weekenders – on housing availability, community cohesion and the economy (4.66)
- Sporting clubs to explore opportunities for shared facilities, services and governance (4.64)
- Encourage cycling for transport; develop safe bicycle lanes within Maldon, cycle paths between Maldon and Newstead and bicycle parking (4.54)
- Improve physical access to Maldon swimming pool (4.48)
- Develop off-road recreational cycling opportunities (4.28)
- Investigate community use of the school’s outdoor fitness equipment (3.97)
Photo: Pentaque. Supplied by Nancy Whittaker
Arts and Culture
- Work with Dja Dja Wurrung people to honour and celebrate their culture, history and language (5.32)
- Provide opportunities for artists in the community to showcase and sell their work (5.32)
- Coordinate cultural and creative events for the community, and encourage visitation (5.06)
- Grow Tarrangower’s profile as a centre of arts excellence by supporting organisers of arts and cultural events (5.02)
- Encourage participation in the arts across all ages through ‘come and try’ days (4.79)
Photo: Kinga of Maldon, Supplied Unknown

Survey Demographics
43% of respondents identified as Male, 52% identified as Female. 7% chose not to identify their gender.
Age demographics of respondents.
0-16 years of age – 1%
16-29 years of age – 3%
30-44 years of age – 7%
45-59 years of age – 24%
60-74 years of age – 51%
75+ years of age – 14%